Uganda’s Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is Uganda's smallest park, measuring only 33 square kilometers (21 square miles). The park is located in the far southwestern part of Uganda, bordered by Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Each of these countries protects its own portion of the Virunga Volcanoes, together forming the Virunga Conservation Area. Mgahinga …

Altitude Acclimatization in Nepal

The Himalayan Mountain Range has the world's tallest peaks. In fact, there are over one hundred mountains that are taller than 23,600 feet. Mount Everest is 29,029 feet tall. Annapurna is 26,545 feet tall. Trekking around these peaks brings you to extremely high elevations. Feeling the affects of altitude, therefore, is very common. Everyone trekking …

Uganda’s Rwenzori Mountains National Park

Mount Rwenzori National Park is famous for mountaineering and hiking adventures. In AD150, the Alexandrine geographer Ptolemy wrote of a snow capped mountain range, deep in the heart of Africa that, he claimed, was the source of the Nile and which he called the Mountains of the Moon. Over the centuries this curious notion of …

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro: Food and Drink on the Mountain

You will be provided with breakfast, lunch and dinner each day spent on the mountain. The food, specifically selected to help your climb, are high energy carbohydrate foods that are easily digestible. The primary carbohydrate of the meals are rice, potatoes and pasta. Fresh fruit and vegetables accompany every meal. Meat is served on the …